If you have been considering seeing a chiropractor, you may have heard the term ‘spinal adjustment’ being discussed. But what is a spinal adjustment? A spinal adjustment is a very precise and specific procedure performed by a chiropractor in order to correct misalignments or abnormalities in the spine. It is an incredibly effective treatment for patients suffering from various musculoskeletal disorders such as neck pain, lower back pain, sciatica and headaches. In this blog post, we will discuss different types of spinal adjustments that can be performed by your local chiropractor.
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)
Manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) is a type of procedure which involves manipulating the spine while the patient is under anesthesia. This technique has been used for decades to treat acute and chronic conditions of the spine and extremities. MUA procedures are typically used when traditional manual techniques cannot provide adequate relief from pain or dysfunction due to scar tissue build up or tight muscles around joints. During the procedure, your doctor will use gentle force and controlled speed to manipulate the affected area while you are asleep under anesthesia.
Activator Method® Spinal Adjustment Technique
The Activator Method® spinal adjustment technique (AMSpAT) uses an instrument known as an Activator adjusting instrument to apply precise pressure to specific points on the spine in order to restore motion in areas where it has been restricted due to misalignment or injury. The instrument delivers a highly focused force which is able to penetrate deeper into tissues than traditional manual techniques and can be used on both adults and children with great success. Studies have shown that AMSpAT improves function, reduces inflammation, and leads to better outcomes for patients suffering from various musculoskeletal conditions.
Cox Technic Flexion Distraction & Decompression Technique
The Cox Technic flexion distraction & decompression technique (CTFD&D) is a non-surgical treatment method that uses gentle pressure on vertebrae along the spine in order to relieve back pain caused by disc herniations, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, bulging discs, scoliosis and other spinal disorders. CTFD&D works by gently stretching out ligaments around affected vertebrae in order to reduce pressure on nerves located near them; this relieves any associated pain or discomfort with movement patterns caused by these conditions. This technique has been proven effective at reducing pain levels for many patients with chronic back pain who have not responded well to other treatments such as physical therapy or medications.
Spinal adjustments are an effective treatment option for many people suffering from musculoskeletal disorders such as neck pain, lower back pain, sciatica and headaches. There are several different types of spinal adjustments that can be performed depending on your condition and symptoms including manipulation under anesthesia (MUA), activator method® spinal adjustment technique (AMSpAT), and cox technic flexion distraction & decompression technique (CTFD&D). It’s important that you speak with your local chiropractor about which type of spinal adjustment would be most beneficial for you based on your individual needs so that you can get the best possible results from your treatments!